Yikang Li's profile
Yikang Li is an undergraduate student studying statistics at the University of California, Berkeley. She is an international student from Tianjin, China. She is very interested in data science with machine learning and therefore plans on pursuing a masters degree in data science after graduation. Her favourite animals are sheeps and pandas.
Yikang has a lot of experience with Python, R and SQL. She has an academic background in statistics.
Awesome Animal Pick
I chose the Red-lipped Batfish because it has bright red lips, which looks awesome to me. It also has an interesting body part called an illicium on its head that extends outward for attracting prey. Also, its face seems a little unhappy, which is cute and funny.
Animal Family Member
The red-lipped batfish is part of the Ogcocephalidae family. Members of this family are anglerfish and are not good swimmers, and instead are adapted for life crawling on the sea floor by using their pectoral fins. Researchers believe that the bright red lips of the batfish are used to recognize other batfish during spawning. Another member of the Ogcocephalidae family, a red batfish, is shown below.
- Red-lipped Batfish Img 1 Link to page
- Red-lipped Batfish Img 2 Link to page