Winifred Chung's profile

Winifred Chung's profile

2018, Sep 23    


Winifred Chung is an undergraduate student at UC Berkeley studying Data Science, with a potential emphasis in Biology, Cognition, or Business Analytics (she has yet to narrow down her interests). She finds the intersection of medicine and technology super exciting and hopes to contribute to this area in the future. Her favorite things in the world are sunsets, golden retrievers, and sweet potato fries.


Winifred is proficient in Python and Matlab, familiar with SQL, and hopes to pick up R this semester.

Awesome Animal Pick

I chose the greater blue-ringed octopus because I have always been fascinated with octopus intelligence, and this particular species is beautiful. I also find it interesting that they produce different toxins to use against predators and prey.

Animal Family Member

The Axolytl is part of the Octopodidae family which contains the majority of known octopus species. One of the most amazing aspects of this family is that the octopus has three hearts. And Paul the Octopus has been famous world wide because of its accurate prediction in the 2010 World Cup.
Paul the Octopus


  1. Blue-ringed octopus Img1 Link to page
  2. Blue-ringed octopus Img2 Link to page