Yihui Zhu's profile

Yihui Zhu's profile

2018, Sep 25    


Yihui Zhu is a junior student studying in UC Berkeley. He is majoring in Data Science and Environmental Economics and Policy. He is actively looking for an intern or full time position as a data analyst.


I am proficient in Python, Java and Sql. I am able to handle Tensorflow and Keras. Also, I am learning how to cook :).

Awesome Animal Pick

I chose the Tyrannosaurus. I pick this one because they are giant but have tiny forelimbs”

Animal Family Member

The Tyrannosaurus is part of the Tyrannosauridae family. Even though descended from smaller ancestors, they were almost always the largest predators in their respective ecosystems and at the apex of the food chain. One of the interesting facts about this family is that their legs were long and proportioned for fast movement, while their arms were very small, bearing only two functional digits. This family comprises two subfamilies containing up to thirteen genera, including the Gorgosaurus.


  1. Tyrannosaurus Img 1 lTyrannosaurus, wikipedia: Link to page
  2. Gorgosaurus Img 1 Link to page